Work Orders and Start Lists

Gymnastics for All – Coming soon

2024 NCC MAG Work Order – Version 1

2024 NCC WAG Work Order – Version 1

Rhythmic Gymnastics – Coming soon

Trampoline Gymnastics

Acrobatic Gymnastics – Coming soon

Aerobic Gymnastics – Coming soon

AeroSchools – Coming soon




Definitive Entries – NOW CLOSED

Definitive entries will open on Tuesday 16 July, 2024.

Definitive entries are due to Gymnastics Australia by Tuesday 6 August, 3:00pm AEST. At this time, all names of participating individuals (athletes, coaches & judges) must be submitted to Gymnastics Australia. Any names submitted after this time will be considered a ‘late entry’.  

Definitive entry fees are calculated per athlete per GymSport and are charged directly to the club entering the competition.

All definitive entry fees include the following for each athlete;

  • Participation in the 2024 National Clubs Carnival
  • 2024 participation medal
  • Athlete social functions
  • Access to athlete workshops
  • Unrestricted spectator access to the event

Clubs will receive the following;

  • 2024 club event participation banner (one per club)
  • Discounted access coach/judge professional development opportunities
  • 2 complementary ‘chaperone’ passes for the duration of the respective Gymsport should you club have more than 30 competing athletes in a single Gymsport. These passes will provide spectator access only
  • Exclusive group discount offers to Gold Coast theme parks and other attractions

      Definitive entry fees are as follows;

      GymSport Entry Fee
      MAG, WAG, RG, TRP, AER & ACR $180 inc GST per athlete, per GymSport

      1 Program: $100 inc GST per athlete

      2 Programs: $150 inc GST per athlete

      3 Programs: $180 inc GST per athlete

      A program is defined as FreeG, Performance (Gym for Life) or TeamGym


      Any athlete who enters MAG, WAG, RG, TRP, AER or ACR can enter all GfA events free of charge.

      Competition Rules & Regulations

      The 2024 National Clubs Carnival will be conducted under the 2024 Technical Regulations and FIG Code of Points 2022 – 2024 for the respective GymSports.

      These documents will available on the Gymnastics Australia website from December 2023. Please ensure you read all relevant document before submitting entries.
      Information around athlete numbers and team sizes can be found in the Technical Regulations for each GymSport.

      Provisional Entries – NOW CLOSED

      The fee for Provisional Entries is $70 (inc GST) per club per GymSport. Please be aware that the provisional entry fee amount does not come off the club’s definitive entry invoice.  Both fees are separate & independent of each other.  Provisional entry fees will not be refunded should you choose to not enter any definitive entries to the event.

      Places in the competition are limited and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Submitting provisional entries DOES NOT guarantee your clubs place in the competition.

      At the time of provisional entries, clubs will be asked to provide athlete numbers per level and category. We understand that athlete numbers may differ slightly between provisional and definitive entries, however we ask that clubs provide numbers as accurately as possible when submitting their provisional entries. Athlete names will not be required until definitive entries are submitted in August.

      Following the close of provisional entries, Gymnastics Australia will publish an updated competition schedule with as much details as possible. Please be aware that as these entries are not final changes to the draft schedule published are likely to occur following the close of definitive entries.

      The closing date for provisional entries is Wednesday 10 July, 3:00pm AEST

      While provisional entries are not mandatory, clubs who do not submit them will be placed on a wait list at the time of definitive entries. A club’s place in the competition will be confirmed if space in the competition is available. This will happen within a week of the close of Definitive Entries.